Críticas a nuestros talleres de parto pélvico
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Tonia Lee Seng, MD
Santa Cruz, Bolivia, South America
Life-changing, paradigm-shifting. Essential for any responsible birth worker.

Ofelia Micaela Cen Romero, Médico General
Valladolid, Yucatán, México
Excelente taller práctico, me fué muy comprensible, dado que habia concluido el curso en linea, me fue mas accesible realizar la práctica, me llevo una gran experiencia y mucho aprendizaje

Cecilia Varona, MD
San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Its a very well-led course. Nice structure, whole-hearted teachers. In line With Woman. Exquisite breakdown and understanding of influential clinical articles up to date. The hands-on training is very intuitive, just as breech physiology is. Previous misconceptions from my previous teachings on breech birth are gone. Thank you so much!

Luisa Araneda, estudiante de Partería
Sweet Mama´s Love, Parto Respetado Guatemala
¡Fue un curso maravilloso!
El curso virtual es completo y te lleva paso a paso a comprender todo lo necesario para ser experto en parto podálico. Y el curso presencial fue una de los mejores talleres de mi vida. David Hayes fue un maestro muy paciente y detallado en sus enseñanzas. Nos permitió resolver todas nuestras dudas y sentirnos confiadas en cada una de las maniobras. Es otro nivel de conocimientos el que tenemos ahora y nos sentimos confiadas en atender partos podálicos. Mil gracias, son sorprendentes

Diana, Midwife
Parto Natural Guatemala
This training has been life changing. I have fallen in love with breech birth and gained the confidence to assist them. We have always offered to assist breech birth but have have always done so with fear. We now feel equipped to deliver these babies fear free and with enough resources to intervene if necessary. I absolutely loved this course and recommend it to everyone!

Gina Dacosta-Rivera, CPM
Puerto Rico
¡El curso online y práctica presencial de Breech Without Borders es lo mejor que existe en el mundo! Incluyen todos los detalles y herramientas que una Partera o Doctor necesita saber para asistir un parto podálico/sacral, sin sentir miedo o inseguridad. ¡Este curso debe ser mandatorio para todos los que asisten partos! Lo recomiendo 100% sin titubear...
The contents of Breech Without Borders' website, in-person workshops, online trainings and coursework, including all handouts, course materials, text, graphics, images, and other materials created by Breech Without Borders (the "Content") are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be taken as medical or healthcare advice, or to substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment. Nothing in the Content should be used to diagnose or treat individual health issues. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified, licensed health provider with any questions you may have regarding your personal medical needs. Never delay contact with a qualified healthcare professional, or disregard medical advice, because of something you have read or learned about in Breech Without Borders' website and coursework Content. Reliance on any information provided by Breech Without Borders and/or through the Content is solely at your own risk. If you think you may be having a medical emergency, call 911 immediately.